January 3, 2011

...And We're Back!

After a wonderful (and wonderfully un-eventful) holiday season, Atomic Cate & Ika Ink are back for the new year! And what a year this one promises to be… there are classes and art shows and design projects and illustrations and just general creations all waiting in the wings!

First up this year, we have another Art Carnage on Saturday, January 29 at The Soundry. Come join us for some delightful gifts for your Valentine (or anti-Valentines, if that’s your thing). We’re new to art/craft shows, so please stop by and offer us your opinion! We love to hear what our customers & friends have to say.

We also have two classes at First Class in Washington, DC. On February 19, pick up some needles for our second Knitting for Beginners! This will be the same fun class we had last year (which ran long… there‘s just so much to share). It’s perfect for anyone who has never touched a knitting needle but wants to learn, or for those who used to knit, once, in a galaxy far, far away… and need some help picking it up again.

There‘s also our very first Basic Crochet class, March 5! Just as with the knitting class, our goal is to get everyone set with the basics for their first project. Crochet is extremely versatile, and some find it easier than knitting — so there‘s no reason not to try both!

With both First Class sessions, I offer a $2 discount on your materials fee if you mention this blog. Of course, if you have any questions about the classes feel free to contact me!

Whew! That‘s a lot going on already this year, just in the first three months! Hope to see all of you soon!

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