October 5, 2010

A Stitching Success

My Beginner's Knitting class with First Class had five students show up (two more were registered but were unable to make it - they are provided a make-up class when it's next held). I was very proud at the end as everybody seemed to understand the basics (cast on, knit, and cast off) in the Continental style. I was also lucky that we didn't have any lefties. (Not that I don't love the left-handers, it's just easier to teach the way I actually knit.)

It was particularly lovely how students would help instruct fellow students while I was dedicating time to one-on-one instruction. I could hear them discussing the right way to throw the yarn, how the loops should look, and all sorts of things. I also really enjoyed the *questions* they asked - every student took a genuine interest in getting it right.

Class went so well, in fact, that I will be teaching another Beginner's Knitting class in the next session. I also might do a "Beginner's Knitting II," and the crochet classes as the wonderful current teacher is moving away. Beginner's II will likely be more practice on the three basics, as well as the purl stitch. We can also get more in depth on types of yarn and needles.

I hope all my students enjoyed my class as much as I did. I'll post more info on upcoming classes just as soon as it's decided!

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